Driving Directions for crew
- 50k Driving Directions (All crew members will use these driving directions for the 2021 edition)
- 100k Driving Directions (All crew members will use these driving directions for the 2021 edition)
- 100 Mile runners will complete the 100k distance first, followed by the 50k distance, and then the 10k. Please visit the pages above for directions for the 100k and the 50k.
Crew Rules
- Your crew is your personal responsibility. If your crew disregards parking instructions, race rules, directions or requests from race officials, you (the racer) will be disqualified from the race. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE DRIVE DOWN THE LEVEL B, MINIMUM MAINTENANCE ROADS!!!!
- A crew member is defined as any individual who provides material support to a runner in the event.
- Crews may meet runners or assist them only at those aid stations specifically designated for crews. Crews must wait to assist their runners until after the official check-in.
- Crews must adhere to instructions of all aid station personnel, including requests to vacate a certain area of the checkpoint.
- No crews are allowed to assist their runners on the course except for at designated aid stations at miles 10, 22, 29, 41, 50, 58, 62, 72, 83, 87, & 93
- Crews will be limited to one vehicle per runner at all checkpoints except for the Start/Finish area.
- Due to narrow access roads, motor homes will not be permitted at any checkpoints.
- Crews must always drive at safe speeds! No matter how fast a runner may be, it is possible for crews to arrive at all the major checkpoints without exceeding the posted speed limits. Speed limits are rigidly enforced and out for the safety of the public and the participants, we ask that speed limits are adhered to.
- Crews must never park in such a way as to block traffic, access to the road or checkpoint, or other parked cars.
- Littering of any kind at any checkpoint, along the road, or at the finish line is strictly prohibited.
- Directions for crews to/from each aid station (see above maps). DO NOT DRIVE DOWN LEVEL B ROADS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!! All fees associated with towing services will be the responsibility of the crew/driver
- Parking at the Covered Bridge Winery is very limited and all parking should take place in their lower level parking lot located in the picture below. Crew is encouraged to visit our friends at the winery and make sure to buy some of their products 🙂 We have a great relationship with the winery and the neighbors. DO NOT PARK ON THE ROAD!!!
Pacer Rules
Pacers are allowed after the 100k point for 100 mile runners (Start/Finish Line) or at mile 42 for 100k runners.
- You may have as many pacers as you wish, although only one pacer at a time. Pacers may be picked up only at aid stations and approved crew points.
- Pacing entails patience, tolerance, and humor. The primary duties of a pacer include route finding, keeping the runner on pace, ensuring that the runner continues to eat and drink, and making sure the runner leaves the aid stations with adequate clothing and supplies to reach the next aid station.
- Pacers must enter and leave each aid station WITH their runners. They may assist with the re-filling of water bottles or replenishment of supplies while in the station but may not come into the checkpoint ahead of their runners, or depart after their runners, in order to speed up the re-fueling process.
- Pacers may not carry water, food, flashlights, shoes, clothing, or other supplies for anyone other than themselves. “Muling” is expressly forbidden.
- No mechanical or physical assistance may be given by the pacer to the runner at any time
- Please respect the course; littering of any kind is strictly prohibited.